Monday, February 29, 2016



今天checked out,距离和朋友见面的时间还有一些空档,于是伟大的老公就自告奋勇一人背了两个大背包,目的就是要我陪他去公园走一趟。虽然我骨子里的懒惰虫蠢蠢欲动,但是他的诚意满满,要拒绝还真是于心不忍。于是我们大包小包的往公园去。





哈哈,我可是要把这些松果送给有缘人的哦!因为松树无法在马来西亚生长,所以更显其独特。加上是免费的,当然是越多越好啦 :)




Friday, February 26, 2016

Hospitality: The Way of Friendship

"Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiples of those with whom it is shared." ― Jesse Browner

If you open the door of your house you often open the door of your heart soon after. I can think of few better ways in life to deepen friendship than through hospitality. Even something like a wild hiking trip that brings friends way closer together through difficulty, it is a form of hospitality where you make each other feel safe and at home in all the small ways you can despite the difficulties you face.
Every time I travel for an extended period I remember in the most extravagant ways that hospitality is one of the most beautiful things in the world. From the time my team of six met a refugee from Afghanistan in Turkey who opened his home to us and fed us a completely delicious meal. They had several kids and only made maybe eight to ten dollars a week by collecting bottles for the deposit, but they gave so generously to us of all that they had. Or the man selling kebabs as street food who fed my team an incredible three course meal just an hour after meeting us on the street and knowing he would likely never see us again.
Last night I was shown this truth again. Jetaime and I were trying to meet our friend Ryan in Sendai Japan, and everything went wrong. Our internet stopped working and we arrived too late. So we couldn't contact him and he waited at the meeting spot, but left after we didn't show up for a long time. We thought we could sleep the night at Mcdonald's because that is what many do, but it turned out this was not a twenty four hour Mcdonalds. All our plans were falling through and it was minus one Celsius and so my plan of camping was looking a bit more challenging. The McDonald's was going to close at eleven pm and we had nowhere to sleep.
We started asking for around for wifi, or ideas of where to stay, but most patrons and employees of McDonald's didn't speak the best English. Finally I talked to one man sitting by himself. He had a quick smile and spoke very good English. We found out later that he was actually a Neuroscientist/researcher and he went to McDonald's because it was easier to stay focused and the more lively atmosphere helped him write papers for journals. He had a hard time putting all the elements of our story together. To be honest, we did too! How did we get to this crazy place of desperation for a place to stay?
I felt a peace that God was taking care of us in the midst of these problems, and indeed he may have been the author of both the problems and the solution! This man at first offered us to use his phone to call our friend, then to research for us a place to stay, then he offered us his place to stay! He was thinking really hard about it before he offered. At first, I thought "Surely, this isn't too hard of a decision. It's just either yes or no." But again, we later found out that he had a big family to care about, and it was already quite late. We also didn't realize how much effort and generosity it entailed when he said "You can come to my place! Please come..."
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
"As a way of life, an act of love, an expression of faith, our hospitality reflects and anticipates God's welcome. Simultaneously costly and wonderfully rewarding, hospitality often involves small deaths and little resurrections. By God's grace we can grow more willing, more eager, to open the door to a needy neighbor, a weary sister or brother, a stranger in distress. Perhaps as we open that door more regularly, we will grow increasingly sensitive to the quiet knock of angels. In the midst of a life-giving practice, we too might catch glimpses of Jesus who asks for our welcome and welcomes us home." ― Christine Pohl

They pulled out all the stops for us: gave us about four blankets each and a really nice sleeping pad. Showed us how to use a traditional Japanese bathroom and the amazing hot bath they keep ready. At night we had snacks, and later a beer and great conversation with our new host. In the morning we got up to the smell of fresh coffee for us. We met each of their three kids, and the mother-in-law made the most exquisite breakfast for us: the freshest tomato, salmon, egg, salad, miso soup, matcha tea, and steaming hot bacon!!! We took a picture of everyone and the dad quickly printed it off and got us to write our contact information so that we could stay in touch. He gave us a printed photo with them. He shared the area, the history, his passion, and some good laughs with us. When we left, we were so shocked that this family which was filled with complete strangers the night before had become good friends within 12 hours. Their kindness just unlocked new levels of friendship that wouldn't have been possible in any other way.
Sometimes I wonder if that verse in Hebrews goes both ways that we sometime take care of angels by accident through our welcome, but maybe when we are welcomed sometimes it is by the very presence of God and his angels. Maybe we can interact with the divine through the help of strangers.
"Once again...welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring.” Bram Stoker

- David Hepting

Thursday, February 25, 2016



贺先生的平板电脑在巴士抵达仙台后开始作怪,完全无法使用网络,没办法和Ryan联系,我们也不懂他家地址,不能去找他 :( 日本的麦当劳,是没有免费无线上网的,我们唯有先叫一份套餐,边吃边思索良策。其实我们本来计划搭夜车到仙台,无奈夜班车票卖光,只剩午后的巴士,所以贺先生老早就决定这一夜要在麦当劳外的停车场露天而睡,而我则是打算拿麦当劳当避风港~

1 仙台竟然开始飘起雪花,再疯狂也实在不能做傻事,这下与星空相拥入睡的美梦没了。
2 我们身处的这间环境优美舒适清净的麦当劳,将在晚上11点打烊,早上7点才开门!!!


贺先生只好硬着头皮,拿着平白用谷歌翻译的日文向店内仅有的两位顾客询问哪里可以上网(我们一定要找到Ryan求助啊)。结果第二位顾客听了我们的故事后,拨了一通电话回家,接着再谨慎地提出一连串的疑问,确认我们所面对的状况(朋友没出现、麦当劳不能过夜、天气太冷不能露天睡、尽可能不花钱住酒店)之后,抛出一句“来我家吧!” 然后,拿起公事包就走。



温柔的岳母大人和坂本太太都没办法说英文,但是却盛情款待,还现场学了一句英文,告诉我们 "please make yourself home"~她们为我们准备热水泡澡,递上毛巾肥皂(差点还要给新牙刷,幸好来得及制止),斟上热热的玄米绿茶,进进出出不停在打点什么。坂本先生也扭开电视,让我们免费上网,还把从京都买回来的点心拿出来让我们品尝,再找来一个小桌灯好让我们在夜里可以使用。


听起来很夸张,可是我没有骗你,这家人的待客之道让我们感受到寒冷里的温暖,再一次提醒我们人性的真善美。大伙儿等到贺先生和我轮流洗澡,喝了茶暖身子后,才放心入睡……才怪。原来,坂本先生等到最后才去洗澡(太伟大了),洗完澡后出来开口就问“how about a can of beer?”





一家之主很热情,把岳母太太和孩子都叫到饭厅,大家聚在一起拍了合照后才允准出门(而且,五分钟后照片就洗好了,很神奇);剩下坂本先生与我们共进早餐,岳母大人则在厨房工作,又不时以日文提问,请女婿为她翻译。坂本先生为我们介绍好去处,也分享了五年前东日本大地震的经历和之后他到福岛灾害现场拍摄的照片。聊着聊着,他拿出一套与二次大战相关的漫画集《Barefoot Gen》,特别警告我们要吃饱了才可以看,因为内容太可怕。我看了第一本,他说的还真没错。


对了,昨夜熄灯后不久有地震,持续了20秒左右,没有危害,是我人生第一次经历!也是贺先生的第一次,但是他完全睡熟了,毫无知觉,好强 ^_^


Wednesday, February 24, 2016





时间一紧迫,心情当然就不好,这时肩上的行李显得更重,要大步走,甚至小跑,真的很难开心起来。面对这样的情况,一定要叫老天爷帮忙啊!其实错过巴士也没怎样,但是票价不便宜,我们对钱这么计较,怎么可能让这样的事发生 :( 

地铁到站后,一路飞奔到终点,谷歌地图说我们已经抵达Willer Express车站,可那明明是一座商业大厦啊~虽然前面有几辆巴士,但是柜台在哪里?工作人员在哪里?当时我们根本不敢停下查看时间,只管冲冲冲,好不容易找到了柜台,工作人员站在门口用日语抛了一堆问题,我只听懂“仙台”两个字,他还在叽里呱啦,当下我们知道赶上巴士了,所以征询工作人员同意后,放下背包冲去上厕所,再冲回工作人员身边,他却只是满脸笑容用手势示意再等等。






Tuesday, February 23, 2016






为了省钱,上周贺先生在京都的一家便利店买了两公斤的白米,放在背包里实在重死了。我还在想要怎么会有人做这种事,要吃多久才会吃完啊……结果我前几天就在市场买了一颗超大的包菜,连续三天用不同方式烹煮,它看起来还是那么有分量,接下来也要放进背包带到下一站去@@ 你要我把食物丢掉或送人,那是绝对不可能发生的事,至少不是在物价如此高的国度。






Monday, February 22, 2016

Strangers No More

"I am a stranger and foreigner among you" -Abraham
I was reading the book of Genesis today and was struck by that line. Abraham left everything he ever knew. His family, homeland, and comfort and he went to a land he did not know all because he heard a voice that told him to. Abraham trusted the God he couldn't see over all the people he could see. His knowledge of God was not some theoretical belief that he ascribed to. It literally influenced and was the reason for every major decision in his life. First he left everything, he believed God when he was told he would have a son, he waited 25 years for God to fulfill that promise. He was willing to sacrifice his son, the son of promise, because he trusted the God he knew with the most precious thing in his life. I believe Jewish people describe ten major tests of faith and decisions that Abraham made in his lifetime that showed his deep trust in God. All his days he lived a stranger to many because he was fully known by one.
As we have been travelling for these last two months I've definitely felt a lot like Abraham: a stranger and foreigner. Sometimes, especially where everyone is speaking a different language, the feeling is more acute. Then other times when I see some human commonality I think "Haha, we're alike!!" I had this thought the other day "We're all the same in that we are all completely different".
Everybody is a stranger.
And... I think one of our biggest desires in life is to become known. One thing we want more than anything else is to move from being a stranger to being fully known. There may be some sort of relationship with our mothers in the womb but from the moment we are born we are pretty much strangers to the whole world. I think that's one of the reasons why kids are so friendly, trusting and free, because the whole world, all the people, are there to be known!! So many questions to ask because the whole universe and all the people in it are filled with mystery and wonder.
We only start to close up when we are hurt. We only fear being known when we realize that when we are known then we can be hurt more deeply. It creates this urgency within us, we long to be known but we fear it more than anything else because when we are known all our weak and soft areas are laid bare.
Before we got married, I told Jetaime "I am giving you the knives to my heart. You will be able to hurt me more than anyone else, because I am going to trust you more than anyone else with my weakness, my failures and my fears." It was kind of a weird thing to say, but it felt important that I say it. She has hurt me since then, and I have hurt her too. We don't want to, but it still happens and we are slowly getting better at taking care of each other's hearts. I have this vision and dream of what our marriage can be, and I know that we need to keep going down this path of knowing each other more and more to get there, even when it hurts.
It's interesting that we are both teachers who are in a relationship. To some, teachers are peddlers of knowledge. We just fill up bright young minds with all sorts of interesting things and prepare them for life. But I have been reading Parker Palmer and John Dewey recently and it's not, or it shouldn't be, simply that. Teachers don't give knowledge, they lead students into a relationship with the known. There is always a need for a relationship between the knower and the known. When we divorce that, our knowledge becomes dry, esoteric, and conceited. Knowledge is precious and valuable, but it can't be some sort of hidden horde of treasure. It has to be created, kept, and transacted in community. It's like when you read a great book you use all these relational terms about what you know "OMG, when Twilight came out I just fell in love with it, I couldn't put it down, I had to know everything that happened to Bella" ;) . Haha, just kidding, but the point remains that we only really know something when we have some sort of love and relationship with that thing. It's awesome to hear a scientist or biologist talk with passion about mildew or pondscum, you can hardly help but get excited yourself.
In the bible, the Torah especially, the verb yada "to know" is also the word for sex. Adam knew Eve and they gave birth to a son. There is so much fascinating truth in that you could ponder for days. The thing that it brings to mind for me though is that from the beginning God designed knowledge in the context of loving relationship. God put a desire in us to be known, thoroughly and in an increasing way. A committed relationship is the only way that can happen and grow.
When people say traditional marriage is old-fashioned and we should expand our ideas of relationships to include casual hookups, polygamy, polyamory, and other sorts of open relationships, I think they have never really seen or experienced the beauty, passion and joy of monogamy. Can you imagine giving your life wholeheartedly to one person? They know you completely, warts and all, and still love you with all their heart? I don't think there is anything in the world that compares to that! If people could get a taste of what true monogamy looks like they wouldn't be satisfied with a cheap imitation of it. I see Christians advocating harshly against the sin and wrong paths that people go down. But if we learned to just show what simple, joyful, faithful love looked like wouldn't a lot more people be attracted to that? If we demonstrated trusting, hopeful, kind relationships where each person was both fully known and fully loved then maybe we could put down our picket signs, because people might be interested to have what we have.
So far, I have been suggesting that our greatest desire in life is to be known. I think that is true, but I would suggest there is an greater aspect to it than we generally understand. We desire to both be known and to know. Jesus, suggested that eternity is about one thing
And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. - John 17:3
The eternal purpose and direction of our lives is to know God and Jesus. To people who say heaven sounds boring when it's a bunch of lame people sitting on clouds strumming harps, this might sound a lot more boring! Hundreds of millions of years and on and on into eternity just getting to know God, but to those who have ever truly experienced God nothing could be more entrancing or exciting. He is endless delight, he knows our sorrows and suffering because he experienced them too. He is the most fascinating one you will ever meet. He knows every hair on your head and every dream or fear you've ever had. He is hilarious! God is so pure, so bright, so beautiful, we can't even imagine how clean it feels to be in love with him, "in him there is no darkness" because he dwells in perfect light. Every burden you have ever had falls off in his presence. Every worry or sorrow you have carried is melted in his heart.
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."
And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Revelation 21:3-5
We get to know God. My former bible college professor Bob Gladstone talked about heaven something like this. "You get there and you are just in awe. You understand one aspect of God and you are dumbfounded and amazed for a million years. Then you understand another truth about him and another million years pass in pure wonder." You can't get tired of God because he is infinite beauty, you can't grow bored because he is the greatest storyteller in the world. My heart is one that loves adventure and I can't imagine a heaven that is not filled with wild adventure. All fear and pain will have passed away and relationships can only grow more and more rich, deep and beautiful. We will know and be known.
We will be strangers no longer.
- David Hepting

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Our first time hitchhiking together! We made it from Kyoto to Tokyo in 12 hours, 500km, 3 rides, 1 blessed meal and many helpful strangers!





在寒风中等了20分钟,我们决定放弃。我很小心眼,还不停碎碎念,说这个人破坏我们对日本人的信任,怎么不载我们也不说一声blablabla~ 怎么知道接下来10分钟一连被拒绝多次以后,这个穿着米色大衣的大叔突然出现,说“真的很困难,但我终于整理好了!” 我当场傻眼,用愧疚的眼神看着贺先生——自己真是冤枉好人。他的好,是我们始料不及的:一路上聊天分享经历,带着我们去到另一个休息站,买了一桌子的美食给我们当晚餐和第二天的早餐,知道我们新婚后再去买三杯咖啡当作庆祝(我们硬着头皮喝下,现在丝毫没有睡意),帮我们打很多很多通电话找便宜住宿,把我们安全送到终点,临走前还不断交代有什么紧急事件一定要第一时间用面子书通知他!

12小时的路程结束,我们带着满满的收获来到今夜入宿的漫画店(日本很流行在manga cafe过夜哦),放下肩上的包包,却放不下内心的激动。昨夜对在日本搭便车的担忧完全是多余的——人内心的良善绝对可以冲破语言的障碍和对未知的恐惧。记得卡车司机特意停下让我们两人去上厕所,自己却坐在车上按电话时,我就在想:他会不会抛下我们自己走掉?我们的行李和护照都在车里啊!结果从厕所出来看到他的车还在,那种感动,难以形容。


- 淑芬

Friday, February 19, 2016

First Hitchhiking Experience

"We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.” ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Today was possibly my favourite day of our whole honeymoon so far. It was so filled with so much unexpected kindness and beautiful moments with new friends. We started our journey at a rest stop in Kyoto and then hitchhiked over 450 kilometres to Tokyo!

We got three different rides and each one was so special. It was my first time ever hitchhiking, I had picked up many before, but never was one myself. The first guy spoke Chinese! So that was special because then Jetaime could talk to him and I could too a bit. The next guy spoke the least English but we discovered how powerful google translate is! I was so amazed how we could just talk into the iPad and have a full, albeit slow, conversation. He told us his favourite thing about Japan is that "there is no more fighting". He misses his wife a lot when he has to drive 20 hours a day in his truck.

It was the third man we met though that completely changed my understanding of what hospitality looks like to strangers. When we first saw him he said he was going to Tokyo, but his car was packed full with luggage. We should stay where we were and he would try to make room for us. We waited 15-20 minutes and there was no sign of him. We thought he must not have been able to make any room and so he just moved on. But we were so wrong! He spent over 25 minutes reorganizing his car so that we could fit in and our bags. He spoke slow, but had good English.

After about 40 minutes of driving he says he will get us some snacks and drinks. He bought us amazing sushi, tempura, juice, coffee, eggs, chicken, and vegetables. I'm pretty sure he spent over $30 on us. But he was so humble and kind "This is a wedding gift and little celebration for you guys" he said. Then he asked where we wanted to stay and we said a really cheap manga Cafe. So he found some near our Airbnb place for tomorrow and started calling them to see how much they were. He had so much patience! I think he called like seven of them and finally found one for a really good price. Then he drove us all the way there, to a really obscure place that probably added an hour to his trip. We were total strangers to him, but he just showed so much love, humour and generosity. We have become friends.

Travelling is cool. The sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of a new country are totally worth it. But it is the beauty and kindness I see in the people we meet that melt my heart and give me so much joy.

- David Hepting

Thursday, February 18, 2016

An Unsolved Mystery...

There are always adventures waiting just around the corner...

We had a nice day today to rest and recover from a pretty full week. Tonight we went for a walk and realizing there was a sweet forested hill behind our place I thought we should check it out. We tramped over some worn boards, and a slippery train track, then headed into the forest.

It was super steep, and the dirt was crumbling around us, but I was have an inordinate sense of confidence in nature and I told Jetaime "We're fine!" We crested the first hill and there was the sketchiest shack I have ever seen. Pure darkness inside, old rusted tools outside, and some kind of metal Zipline that went into its depths. Jetaime didn't want to go anywhere near it. It would have made the perfect setting for a zombie horror film just as darkness was settling around us. I wanted to check it out just to be funny and maybe pretend something crazy happened, but I did the husbandly thing and said "Ok, we can go back :) 

Maybe someday we'll find out what really resided there, but until then it will remain the unsolved mystery of the scary shack ;)

- David Hepting








Wednesday, February 17, 2016

An Interesting Day in Kyoto

I got to share chocolate cake with a beautiful lady today!

It turned into one of the coolest experiences of our trip. We ate at a place called the "ask me Cafe". The guy who started it has been a Kyoto city planner for more than thirty years. He wanted to share the fascinating history of this city which is over a 1,000 years old. He had been dreaming about starting the cafe for over fifteen years and last year he finally did it!

It still hasn't made any money, but he's in it for the opportunity to share with travellers and locals about this beautiful city he loves so much. Jetaime especially got inspired by him and the way he has given up so much for his dream and his desire to share his passion for this city with others.

One thing he mentioned offhandedly is that the original Nintendo headquarters were only a few blocks away!! It is a company that is over 100 years old and originally they made, I think, wooden playing cards for gangsters. So we got to go to the original Nintendo headquarters and take some pictures. He was just filled with little tidbits like that. It was a really nice highlight of our day.

- David Hepting








- 淑芬

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I Love Japan!

I love Japan! It is one of the most beautiful, interesting, and enjoyable countries I have ever stayed in. All the food is incredible, from the cheapest frozen convenience store food to the outlandishly high standards of Kobe beef or fruit for over $100 a piece. The people are so kind and helpful. It's almost hilarious when we have asked for directions and even if they don't speak any English, they will keep talking to us slower in Japanese and pointing and eventually walking with us until we find the place, even if it's out of their way.

It's also wildly expensive if you're not careful. We thought we were being really frugal, but when we added the totals from two and a half days it was really surprising. However, we decided to take it as a creative constraint and an opportunity to innovate our lifestyle to use new ways to live simply and more adventurously. We might try hitchhiking to Tokyo from Osaka, possibly buying sturdy but inexpensive bikes on Craigslist and using them for transportation around Tokyo and maybe all the way to Sendai! Possibly do some urban camping too. It's an exciting situation when circumstances give you an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and live a little more adventurously than usual.

One thing Japan has taught me is the simple beauty of enjoyment. They have the second highest life expectancy of any nation on earth and it's not hard to see why. Everywhere we go we often see people simply sitting and enjoying nature. So many of the sites have a real meditative quality to them. I'm often surprised at how quiet it is, even in a crowd of people. They eat the freshest foods, and love to walk and bike everywhere. The balance is also shifted the other way by how many people love to smoke and how high their suicide rate is, so it goes to show that the healthy aspects of their culture would be even higher if it wasn't for those two things. But as I've been here I've realized how hectic my life has been for a long time. I've often kept a good sense of the peace of God and an awareness of His presence in my life, but I long for so much more.

I know this is becoming almost cliché in our culture, but I do just want to simplify, get rid of all that is extra and unneeded and live for what's most important. People are so beautiful and worthy of being loved well. Music, stories and laughter are some of my favourite things. I also love to learn and have adventures. My favourite thing in the world is if I can help people encounter the love and kindness of God! Somehow my life can get filled up with all sorts of other things besides that, and I'm realizing it might be the time to become more intentional about getting back to the basics. Anyways, haha before this post turns into a novel I better end, but that is a little of where we are at now. Thankful for the present and excited for the future.

- David Hepting






Monday, February 15, 2016

Arriving to Kyoto

This is the look of happy, tired, cold, exhausted couple in Kyoto, Japan.

Jetaime is such a trooper. She walked several km's today and then biked about 8km more in some freezing cold Kyoto winds while carrying most of her belongings on her back! We ended up sleeping in the airport in Kuala Lumpur and then also the next night in Osaka. We didn't get the greatest of sleeps because people were a bit loud, and there were announcements every once in awhile, but it was fun to save money.

I'll just go on the record here and say that Osaka probably has the best airport in the world. Their toilets have heated seats, can shoot you with perfume and have a built in bidet! They have the friendliest staff I have ever seen anywhere, two long corridors filled with mouthwatering restaurants, a Pokemon store, a manga store, and an amazing convenience store that sells these meals that are really cheap but taste incredible. It was the perfect introduction to Japan.

Also Valentine's day we didn't get to celebrate much so today as we rented bikes and rode 8km to our Airbnb, I considered it the epitome of our dating life. The wind was freezing cold, I looked really goofy because I was wearing my warm canvas shorts on top of my pants, and wearing wool socks in sandals, and Jetaime was quite exhausted from the last few days, but in the midst of all that we got to enjoy some spectacular scenery, find joy in the difficulty, and laugh together. There is no one I would rather be traveling with or living my life with.

- David Hepting







Sunday, February 14, 2016









Saturday, February 13, 2016

Happy Monkey Year

I have made many wonderful friends during my time celebrating Chinese New Year with Jetaime and her family, but this friend is definitely the largest and most inflatable!

We head back to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, and then off to Japan the next morning! It's been so good to slow down, develop a routine, eat amazing food, and get to spend some really good time with Jetaime's family. I'm going to miss this place a lot.

I really love cultural traditions like CNY that bring families together in such an intentional way. Its probably why Thanksgiving and Christmas are two of my favourite times of the year. As we get older it seems we almost need an excuse to get together, but whatever the case I love the things that bring us together. Happy year of the monkey! 

- David Hepting