Sunday, January 15, 2017

Wisdom is justified by her deeds

We got back from La Ronge today. Our house smelled like sewer and later we found out that actually the sewer had backed up in the one day we were gone. The cool thing was that we weren't even really bothered by that. We found out it would be fixed on Monday. One of the reasons is that we came back so filled and overflowing with gratitude for really good times with good friends. 

We spent some time with Jody, who we met when I was doing my teaching internship up here. She is so real, so loving, and also hilarious. We practiced hearing Gods voice with her, her dad, sister, and our friend Sheldon. There were some really accurate words and really encouraging moments. As we shared about difficulties we laughed at how they were overcome in different ways, and we knew we weren't alone. We ended up staying up till past midnight just catching up, praying for each other, and sharing our hearts. Nights like that are so refreshing and filling. 

Jody's sister Kim has had a pretty difficult year, but she just took responsibility and worked really hard to be a good teacher in a tough situation. The thing that stuck with me the most is that she really care about her students that weren't coming to school and started praying for them most days to be able to make it. It was amazing, she said that the days she prayed they almost always were able to make it and the days she didn't they often didn't come. Just taking that time and intentionality to pray for her students in that way encouraged me a lot to do that as well. So many of my students don't show up and then they miss out on a lot of things and it also tough to go forward for the rest of us as well. 

In the morning they made a great breakfast,  and then we went shopping. For lunch we made it to the Prokopchuks. They are a family who are so close to our hearts. They have been so good and kind to us. They gave us fishing rods to start out our fishing up here. They always welcome us over with delicious meal. We play games, but we also have really good conversations about God and what it looks like to follow him. What it looks like to show hospitality to others. They are a pretty bold family that has lived in Saudi, Alaska, the US, and Northern Saskatchewan. They are one of the families I know that just loves to spend time together and they really care about each other and those around them too. I was so encouraged leaving their place just with a sense of fullness and love. I love all the esoteric ideas about what goodness and love are, but even more substantial is actually receiving a home cooked meal and sharing your hearts and lives with people you care about. 

Jesus came to earth and lived in a physical body. He lived a physical life, ate, drank, and did all that we do. He was without sin, but he was filled with humanity. It's easy to forget how important his incarnation is to our lives. He became one with us so that we could be one with him. He had close friends and wept when they died. I love when Gods love becomes real actions. Just the other day I was reading the bible in the morning before going to school and I came upon the verse Matthew 11:18

Wisdom is justified by her deeds. 

I know as any good Protestant does that we are justified by faith, not by works. But sometimes I think we would do well to remember the admonition and encouragement of James "Faith without works is dead". Real love, and real Christlikeness is shown by real deeds. It fills the heart to overflowing. We were so blessed by our friends this weekend and we want to share that with others too. 

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