Saturday, November 26, 2016


大概两个多星期开始,我固定每周一下午三点半到部落里的小学协助一位老师进行一个专为小学女生而设的"Girl Guides"活动。第一周小朋友们做卡片给线上军人,第二周她们学习分辨健康营养的食物,下一周我们将一起做早餐!老师问我,马来西亚人都吃什么样的早餐呢?是否可以在课堂里教导/带领小朋友们一起制作?


记得还在读中小学的时候,每天早上都有吃早餐的习惯,不是爸爸去街上打包回来,就是妈妈在家准备:云吞面、叉烧饭、糯米鸡、包子、roti canai、nasi lemak、apung balik、快熟面、芋头kuih、韭菜煎饼、面包夹鸡蛋……没错,现在回想起来,马来西亚人的早餐是款式多变,丰富多彩的。而且,一大清早吃面条米饭?外国人可是啧啧称奇呢。




和老公搬到偏乡后,一开始他习惯上班前吃早餐谷梁+牛奶,我则是吃麦片;后来我们想说应该要多吸取纤维,于是他早上都改吃水煮椰菜花+茄汁豆(baked beans)+苹果/香蕉。我因为不需要出门工作,所以就只吃早午餐,用的是前一夜的剩菜,或是从冰箱里拿出一些蔬菜随便弄一弄就成一餐了。



而且,最让我兴奋的是,原来松糕和饼干可以带上飞机?!!什么?为什么我之前都不知道?太好了!下一次搭飞机之前,我只要提早做好准备,发挥所学,那么转机的时候就不需要花大钱填饱肚子了 :)



Why I run

This week I got a really fun app called "Zombies, Run". Basically it includes a bunch of different narrative storylines where you are a runner who stumbles onto a base in the midst of the zombie apocalypse and to earn your keep you become a runner for them. You run to nearby communities and scavenge all the food and supplies you can find. The fun part of the app is that it measures your speed and every once in awhile you get close to a zombie and need to run 20% faster for a bit. It is ridiculously exciting and slightly dangerous too. The other morning I was running back from school and there was sheer ice from a recent melting and then freezing, my shoe had become untied, and there was no way that I could stop running or slow down to tie my shoe because zombies were chasing me. I got back home so out of breath and laughing in delight because I had made it safely. 

When you run you can be doing two things: running away from something or towards something. 

What I'm running away from
I want to run away from the lazy person that I sometimes am. I want to run from the belief that I can never accomplish anything difficult or interesting and that I'll never be good enough. I naturally like to take the easy way out and the interesting thing I found is that running can actually be the easy way out. It saves money on gas, it lengthens my lifespan, it lowers my risk factors for a whole swathe of diseases, it gives me great endorphins, it gives me more confidence, and it gives me time to meditate and think so that I am more prepared for the problems of the rest of my life. A little bit of difficulty of running makes my life much easier. 

What I am running towards
I run towards my future. Physically I often run towards home and my work and metaphorically too. I can think clearer when I run and so I am running towards solutions. I studied running form a lot and I found that the very best way to run is to run easy, light, and fast. Basically running as silently as you can naturally gives you good running form because you aren't hitting the ground so hard anymore. In  the summer I run barefoot and one time I was able to completely sneak up on a cat and get within a foot of her. When she turned and saw me it was like a cartoon how her legs went in all different directions and she scooted off faster than I believed possible. I think that's true of life too. We can get where we want to go a lot quicker if we're not stomping so hard to be heard and we are willing to do what's important regardless of whether we are noticed or not. 

I run because it's the closest thing I've found to human flight. When I lose myself in the rythm of my steps and the air through my hair and the world speeding by its almost as if I can fly. That's why I love running in sandals or barefoot with no extra clothing. Your senses come alive and it's like you can feel the world more fully. You can only hear the wind and the gentle tap tap of your footfalls. Running while its snowing is even more peaceful and surreal. The snow muffles almost all the sound and you are for once perfectly by yourself in the world. Able to think without any distractions and exist in the real world with the pure physicality of snowflakes hitting your face and icicles forming on your beard. There are few things that compare. 

I run most of all because it is fun. One of my heroes barefoot Ted talks about the idea of "golden miles". Those miles where you just enjoy every second of running them. They are what makes it all worth it. It is not always so enjoyable, but those few golden miles make all the rest of the miles worth it. 

That's why I run. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016



昨天晚上我和老公在为今天和孩子们的活动绞尽脑汁时,我突然灵机一动,想起八月份带队参加活动时接触过的游戏,于是上网搜寻,果然找到不少资料,便决定进行准备工作简单但效果非同凡响的 Winter Scavenger Hunt——冬天户外寻宝游戏。我事先将需要找到的“宝藏”列出在小白板上(是的,我写了Winter Scavenger ,忘记Hunt==),再准备两个袋子,让出席的孩子们分成两组比赛,看谁先完成所有的任务。







以后回国有机会,也要给马来西亚的小朋友们进行这样简单却意义非凡的游戏。除了可以亲近大自然,实地了解和接触生态环境,还能顺便帮忙捡垃圾哦 ;)

Saturday, November 19, 2016




大概两个月前,我和老公还有学生们去露营几天,回到学校时是下午五点,来接送孩子的家长热情地邀请我们出席社区内某户人家的婚宴,我不好意思地说“可是我们不认识他们啊!” 对方赶紧劝我们别这么见外,因为婚宴是open的,public的,谁都可以出席~但当时我们又累又臭,便决定作罢。

今天又有一个婚宴(怎么知道?昨天在超市公告栏看到的!),我非常想去感受,无奈老公赶着做教学计划,我又不好意思一个人厚脸皮去,所以又错过了。下次,下次一定要去一次自己不认识的新郎新娘的婚宴(然后再把经历分享出来) ;)

我们这个部落,距离最靠近的市镇要一个小时,距离最靠近的城市要三个小时半车程。几乎每一天,都可以看见在面子书群组里有人发帖询问“明天有人要去 La Ronge吗?”或“我这个周末去Prince Albert,车里还有三个空位,有意同行请联络……”

你知道的,社区人数就那么多,来来去去不就是远亲或朋友的朋友,所以大家才不会因为觉得陌生觉得别扭而错过省钱的机会。加上这里平时可是没有德士和巴士出没的,若急需出门身边又没人可以伸出援手,自然就得靠小社区的暖力量了 :)


Stanley Mission部落有两个面子书群组,一个是专门留言发通告启事的,另一个是买卖的。首先,你要知道这里不是大都会,没有太多消费选择,很多经济情况不太乐观的原住民也不会常常出门逛街购物,所以大家身上穿的家里用的基本上就是1在镇上仅有的超市购得&2向其他人买二手货。


最近我看见一则征求冬装的启事。大意就是为社区内较贫穷的家庭募集二手寒衣、外套、帽子、手套、靴子……有意者可以拨电话让相关负责人到府上,或亲自将捐出的物品拿到部落的诊所。很不巧,诊所与我们家是三分钟步行距离。于是,我和老公也日行一善,打包了两大袋的冬装,今天就送去诊所了 :) 




关于这点,我觉得最大的因素还是在于社区居民之间的相互信任。 居民彼此多少有点认识,谁家的孩子在街头玩,大伙儿路过都会帮忙监视。父母不怕孩子被拐带(外人只要一进来部落一眼就被看出来了),也不怕孩子离家出走(部落就像与世隔绝般,只靠双脚能走去哪里啊?),真的没有什么危险可言。


What things make life richer?

How then should we live?

I remember reading that title of a book a lot as a kid. It had a prominent place in my parents collection of books in our basement where we used to play. It seemed mysterious because most books had a title that gave a definitive answer to some problem. This was one of the few books that just asked a good question. 

I've been finishing up my unit planning and it is really interesting how that actually has made me think a lot about what is actually of importance in life. I get to choose how my class will use hundreds and hundreds of hours of their time. I honestly really love school, especially university, but it wasn't always that way. I often thought school was fairly boring and there were huge amounts of time when there wasn't much to do. If I get to lead the class in what we will do, then the deeper question is what then shall we do? Of what types of activities have the kind of importance that they can depeen and enrich my students lives? On top of that, how can I make those types of activities relevant enough that my students will enjoy them, engage in them, and let down their guards enough so that they can have their life changed? In light of all this the question running through my head is now 

How then should I teach?

Lesson planning is at its center entirely philosophical. I find that I'm constantly challenging a lot of the assumptions that I grew up with about education, I'm challenging the assumptions about what I learned about education in University, and then I'm challenging my own conclusions! Haha, and then the worst of it is that when it comes down to actually teaching I generally just do exactly whatever my high schools teachers did with me. I'm slowly working on it, but a lot of the practices that they did were there for pretty good reasons. It reminds me of Chesterton talking about young radicals who want to tear down the old order and just set everything free. 

In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.

I laugh at my own enthusiasm to do away with all sorts of things that were a staple of education in the past. Some of the things like homework, and worksheets have been shown to have extremely little value until students are much older. Other things like sitting in rows, waiting until the class is silent and so on, I have found to be very helpful and I brought them back after thinking they were outdated as well. Another thing that many have tried to do away with is rote memory. We want students to just explore ideas and not worry so much about trying to memorize specific facts. However I think most of that thinking comes from people who have gotten so good at memorizing naturally that they forget it is a learned skill. 

I remember in grade 3 I was in the Sunday school class of a man named John Tyler. He was an engineer and a great guy. He had us write down in our bibles "what is not memorized, cannot be utilized". Haha, it is a very engineer type thing to say. But I remember reading that quote over and over again growing up. It was probably one of the reasons I joined bible quizzing in grade 7 and ended up memorizing whole books of the bible. Being able to memorize well helped me a lot with school and life in general. It is a lot easier to learn to play instruments when you can memorize the notes on a scale and on a fretboard. It is easier to pick up a new language when you know how to learn vocabulary. It prepared me for an interesting life. 

Now that I am a teacher I put that quote up on the back wall of our classroom. I try to make lots of time for my class to memorize the multiplication table, key points in history simply for them to have something to compare other dates to, we are going to start to memorize a couple shorter poems too. If they ask "what are we going to use this for?" I can give them a lifetime of examples of the cool different ways that memorization helped make my life easier and more full. I think out of all things people might want to get rid of in the education system it should be the last to go. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016


结束了和小朋友们的郊游后,我们打算在路口分道扬镳,可是却远远看见有一群人聚集在加油站商店外,由外界通往部落的唯一一条陆路旁。小朋友们跟我们说再见以后很快就跑了过去,我却还不知道发生了什么事。老公说,那是“Light Vigil”——烛光纪念。










Monday, November 14, 2016

How to motivate students and people in general

Tonight I came home curious. 

I had a pretty fun day in the classroom and lots of learning happened. But when it came to plain old work, doing projects that they weren't too excited about, there was no motivation almost at all and everything became a distraction and almost nothing got done. So I got to thinking because as usual as a new teacher I was in above my head and not sure what to do. A wasted half hour isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of the Universe especially because we were having fun and chatting about all sorts of things. But it got me thinking, as the year progresses, how can I motivate my class to do the hard work of learning?

I have been falling in love with podcasts recently, especially with a bunch of 9 hour drives each way back and forth from Regina. So the first place I looked was for a good teaching podcast that might have some good advice. I found "The cult of Pedagogy" and listened to episode 37 about how to motivate your students. She had 5 main questions to ask yourself about areas that can really increase student motivation. Here are the notes I took. 

1. Good relationships provide safety for students to take risks. Lack of connection makes them less likely to try. Be aware of the value of relationships. Take active steps to get to know them. "You've got to connect" book and "the best kept teaching secret" about dialogue journals. Just chat two minutes a week with each student about something other than school. Keep track of it. 

2. How much choice do your students actually have? Providing choice is a major factor in motivation. Long term authentic creative projects are a lot easier to give choice in. 

3. Are you relying heavily on carrots and sticks? Rewards and punishments to motivate students. Extrinsic reinforcement can be motivating for an easy task, but for tasks that require creativity and complex thought it actually reduces motivation. Vs trying it just because it is interesting and challenging. We need to truly, deeply motivate them. Try to focus on its inherent interest and value as a challenge. "The first ten are easy and I want to see how many of you can conquer the challenge of the last two. They are a lot tougher. They will be challenge but I believe you have what it takes."

4. Do your words contribute to a growth or fixed mindset? Students are motivated to continue at a challenging task if they believe they can get better at it. Don't ever tell them they are smart. Tell them specific moments they've worked hard. Focus on things they can control. Don't tell them they are a good writer.

5. What are you doing to make your content relevant to students lives? When they believe they are doing something authentic and meaningful and how it can help them they will be more motivated. 1. Plan it and then say it, explain why an issue is relevant today. Be explicit. 2. Add in more reflection, ask them how is it relevant? Lower performing students do better. 3. Design tasks that end with a public product. It naturally motivates students to work harder. 

I found it sobering. A few of them like number four I think I was doing pretty well on. But others I realized I was way off and it was likely a contributor to some unmotivated students. Obviously students are also fully responsible for their own motivation level and choosing how they want to interact with the classroom environment, but the teacher definitely plays an important role as well. It also reminded me of what motivates me. I love choosing what I want to do and what I want to learn and then really going for it. When someone is really controlling about what I do and learn I automatically lose respect for them and am much less likely to listen to what they would have me do. If a professor or teacher cares about me as a person I will work way harder in their class. So I saw the validity right away in what she was saying. I think my biggest flaws as a teacher are I just want to jump in way too fast and solve everything for everyone, and sometimes I care more about the content than about the students. So just talking to each student 2 minutes a week about something random other than school seems like a really doable and helpful goal and first place to start. 

These same principles can work in our own lives too. How good of a relationship do we have with ourself? Do we like to spend time alone with ourselves? Do we laugh at our own jokes? If we can build our relationship with ourself we are more likely to be motivated to learn and improve ourselves. How do we lead ourselves? Do we use sheer grit and willpower to force ourselves to do something or do we give ourselves lots of good choices and then pick the best one? One option is a lot more sustainable in the long run. 

These principles can also help others. I mean, throughout history huge wars were fought simply for the cause of freedom. So being able to have a choice is a very motivating factor. To do anything we are also much more likely to do it for the people we love and who respect us back. So if you want to be influential, and motivate others the best things you can do is be someone who loves authentically and gets to know people, give people freedom, or at least multiple good choices that they can choose from, give them opportunities for their own intrinsic gain and not any external punishments or rewards, and finally speak to people about what is important to them. We may have just seen how important that is in this last election. 

Anyways, those are some of the things I have been pondering as I try to help my class develop their own intrinsic motivation, maybe it will be helpful to you as well. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The most worthwhile thing in life...

This weekend Jetaime and I have been at the November Retreat at the Regina Apostolic Church. It has been beautiful and incredible. Two nights ago Tyler Gray was leading worship and he said "Listen, I'm not all that much older than you guys. In all my years on this earth I can honestly say there is no more worthwhile thing than the presence of God. Nothing tastes sweeter, nothing satisfies more, nothing will quench the thirst in your heart like the presence of God." As he was saying that the hunger level in the room for the presence of God rose and God just met the desire of all our hearts. Wave after wave of God's presence poured out over us. So many felt their burdens lift off their shoulders and others just felt joy and peace more than they ever had before. I stood there with my hands raised remembering all that God has done in my life. 

When I was fairly young we would go to bible quizzing meets with hundreds of other youths who were excited about God and memorizing his word. Some of those times in worship the presence of God was so sweet and it softened my heart and gave me so much peace. That was the first main time I ever tasted the goodness of God and I knew there was nothing I wanted more in my life. At that time I didn't know too much about God and so I didn't know how to enjoy God's presence day to day. But the times when I joined with other believers in worship I was able to get glimpses and amazing tastes of what it was like. 

Years later I started reading a book by John Crowder called "Mystical Union" where he challenged all of my major beliefs and God changed my life through that book. The main idea is that when Jesus died on the cross and yelled out "It is finished" that he meant it. We no longer need to earn God's favour. We no longer need our efforts at righteousness to please God. He is already pleased with us! That means that Christ in us gives us the freedom to enjoy the goodness and presence of God every single day, every single moment. Christ saved us from the power of sin and death and now there is absolutely nothing stopping us from complete and full union with Christ every moment of every day. That truth is lifechanging. 

I began to believe that Christ was already in me and I no longer need to enter into his presence. I am already there. I can enjoy him as much while running to work as I can in a boring conversation or a worship service. Location does not matter at all. I don't need to wait until I am surrounded by people hungry for His presence. I can enjoy God's presence everywhere because of the work Christ already accomplished. He removed every dividing wall between us. Praise God!! 

Being a first year teacher can be draining sometimes. It can be frustrating, and there are times I have wanted to throw in the towel. But when the presence of God melts away my anxieties and frustrations I know that everything will be alright. Nothing can separate me from the love of God. It changes everything, and I can agree with Tyler that it is absolutely the most worthwhile thing in life. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016







各班级的老师也准备了不同游戏,同学们可以一班接着一班去玩游戏。总之整个校园欢笑十足,师生同乐 :)
