Wednesday, October 26, 2016

An unusual game of Monopoly

Yesterday I won a game of Monopoly against my students and I felt like I was the worst player among them. I was really good, I stacked up on houses early on and made a ton of money in rent. When they couldn’t pay my rent they gave me their locations until I had the most in the game. The thing that shocked me though is they played with a whole different value system. When someone couldn’t pay they reduced the rent, when someone lost their money they would all chip in to help that person. They laughed and all just helped each other so everybody could last as long as possible. Eventually the bell rang and the game was over. I had the most money and locations by far, but the least generosity. If the ancient saying is true “The only thing you can truly keep is all that you give away.” then I had the least amount at the end of the game.   

I’m living with my wife in a small community in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada. They are tight-knit and friendly. It is a first nations reservation. In some ways it is like travelling to a new country with a very different value system. The students have a lot more independence and freedom and it takes a lot more for them to buy in to simply participate. It’s only slowly as I’ve deepened relationships and built trust that they begin to dive into the activities more. I realized that a lot of the culture I come from is one of competition, passion, and trying to be the best. The interesting thing that was so evident in Monopoly is that these values look a lot different up here. Community is so important and if you really excel then sometimes that sets you apart from the community. If you have big dreams then often that makes you leave the community because there are not too many jobs here. So when I got here it seemed like there was a lot of apathy, but over time I realized that first of all they did not want to be controlled by anyone and second, I think the rewards of working hard are not as obvious or apparent. There is a pretty good life that can be had without a lot of academic success. ;   

All this has helped me to evaluate my own value system. There is more that I can learn from them about generosity, kindness and openness, and hopefully there will be more I can teach them about planning for the future and developing skills. I am excited to see where this year goes. ;




可是,这一个感恩季节,对Stanley Mission的原住民部落来说,却是乌云笼罩的。

感恩节前的周四,一个十四岁的女生自杀了。那是老公下班后给我带来的消息。这位亲手结束自己生命的女生,正是老公所任教班级隔壁的一个学生,与他的班同属grade 9。也就是说,她的离世,对老公的学生也带来一定的打击。

同一天,来自临近市镇的辅导员很快被请到校园里给学生进行心理辅导工作(本该在岗位上的职员竟然刚好放假去了,你说巧不?)。据说,这是为了避免“copycat suicide”*发生。*注:抄袭猫自杀案指的是某一个人想不开自杀了,其他人跟着有样学样,从而上演一系列的自杀事件。这样的情况在加拿大原住民部落尤其普遍。于是令人措手不及的消息在校园内传开,也迅速地传遍整个部落。








“为什么?” 大人小孩都有很多的不解。




Friday, October 21, 2016







