Sunday, January 31, 2016

First Attempt!

There are all sorts of ambitions and desires jumbling around in my heart and mind. Usually I don't have the time to pursue them, but on our honeymoon we have more free time to explore them. 

I've always wanted to be able to draw manga and cartoons someday. Here is my first attempt at copying "One Piece", my favourite manga! I've still got quite a long way to go to get good, but it's fun to start :)

- David Hepting



Saturday, January 30, 2016

Myanmar At Last!

Myanmar at last!

I remember quite a few years ago in Regina we welcomed in a large number of Karen refugees from Burma/Myanmar. I never got to know any of them personally, but my family and some friends did. From their stories the country began to be on my radar and I started to pay attention whenever it was mentioned. My main motivation for coming here though was actually to add another country to the list of countries I've been to. It's not a very noble reason, but it does help me leave my comfort zone and go to new places I probably wouldn't have before.

On arriving in the country and taking a minivan with 5 other tourists, we began to see more of what it was like. At first the poverty was most apparent, then the astonishing beauty of the undeveloped countryside, then the death-defying driving of the vehicle we were in and other vehicles, the inundation of temples and monks everywhere we went, and the quiet beauty of the people in this country.

It is a country in recovery. There is a lot of building happening, and entrepreneurship all over the place. The country has really only been open to tourists for a few years. Our travelling friends said "In ten years, this country will look way more like Thailand. Now is the time to visit before the major tourist transformation." So Jetaime and I feel pretty lucky to see it now. We will likely come back and visit in a few years.

The coolest moment for me was coming to a little Chinese noodle stall last night that Jetaime had been to last year. They recognized her right away! They chatted for a bit and I was able to understand about a third of their conversation. Haha, and I liked the part after Jetaime said we got married and the lady replied "他很帅” (He is handsome!). But the coolest part of that was seeing how Jetaime made enough of an impression on a shopkeeper that she would remember Jetaime many months later. I so appreciate her friendliness with everyone she meets, and I've learned a lot from the way she gets to know people as good friends even if she will likely never see them again.

- David Hepting


Chiangmai > Mae Sot > Crossing the Thailand-Myanmar border > Hpa-An > Yangon

Friday, January 29, 2016


昨天晚上,我问贺先生:“什么是见证?” 他说,是神所行的事。


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Final Day in Thailand

Our final day in Thailand...

I've been trying to eat as much amazing food as I can because we probably won't be back for a few years. It's been so good :)

We rode the scooter to a cool little artist enclave, and then to a mountain with a waterfall. We actually met a guy there who was from Saskatchewan! Unfortunately he was really racist and a little scary, but other than that he seemed quite nice ;)

There is a lot of stress driving a scooter in a city with wild driving. Especially when we both have different opinions of the safest way to drive. So that was pretty hard to start working through and learn to trust each other in situations like that. It's also good though because I know that is how relationships grow.

Tomorrow we take a bus, minibus and train to get to Yangon, the capital of Myanmar! We are so thankful for Zack and Sarah and the great hospitality they showed us here :)

- David Hepting

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Love Coincidences!

I love coincidences!

What are the chances that you get to see some amazing friends from Canada, who you met in America, who live in China, in Malaysia? Then five months later when you happen to be in Chiang Mai, they happen to be in Chiang Mai?

We were so stoked to meet up with Drew and Deanna, catch up, and pray together. Aaron told many variations of a tiger joke, and Brielle was so cute and funny. They are an awesome family who were actually some of the first people to know both Jetaime and I. Hope they have a beautiful rest in Chiang Mai, and I'm so thankful we got to see them again.

- David Hepting


Enjoying our time with Zack and Sarah, whom we first met in Cameron Highland 3 weeks ago. They are fellow Canadians based in Chiangmai and they teach in the international school here. They are some of the best hosts ever! We went out for dinner together at night market, watched some beautiful art works and explored the city a bit. It's really nice to have friends who know the town better than we do.

David rented a motorbike for 180baht a day including insurance, I am so proud of him zooming in and out the street with no fear (or little fear, but I truly can't see that). Well he probably rides motorbike every once a year when he visited South East Asia, and he seems really thrilled to do it!

It was 10 Decree Celsius this morning with drizzling rain and we don't have any warm clothes ready for such a weird weather in this part of Thailand! Everyone wears so many warm clothes like as if it's in Canada and we basically only have shorts and sandals... Crazy crazy!


Another day exploring the city by motorbike, and we came back in one piece! 靠着摩托和双脚探索了这个百年古城两天,只能说清迈实在是个好地方:好人,好山,好水,好吃,好美,好有艺术气息……我们说好一定要再回来!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016



Monday, January 25, 2016


我看的是电子书,到了83%时,我侧头对贺先生说实在不想这么快把书看完。一个好的作者,能轻易通过文字带领读者身历其境,Mike Mclntyre就是其中之一。
文末,真心推荐:“The Kindness of Strangers: Penniless Across America”

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Best Food in the World

So there's this food stall in Thailand that makes some of the best food in the world and also holds a lot of memories.

Many years ago when I was on the World Race we stayed at the YWAM base in Bangkok and went to this food stall area almost everyday. It was incredible. Then, at the end of the month, it worked out for me to meet up with my best friend Rob Gosselin in Thailand and we had a glorious time together. I had been ordering one plate of delicious food for about one dollar Canadian. But Rob asked an excellent question "Why not buy three plates of food each meal?". I had never considered that possibility. The food was so delicious, so cheap, and such a glimpse of what the food in heaven might be like that I had to agree that that would be the very best course of action.

So we ate and ate, had the most delicious fruit smoothies for fifty cents, and talked into the night. It became one of my favourite places on earth. A few years later when I did an internship with John Crowder and met Jetaime for the first time I knew that If I was already in Malaysia I might as well go to Thailand and go back to this amazing food stall. It was on the journey to the airport in Malaysia that Jetaime volunteered to drive me and we shared our whole life story, passions, and dreams and started to fall in love. So in some small way, this food stall led me to find my amazing wife!

Haha, and on that journey I travelled such a long way and spent five hours trying to find this place and finally did. But the lady wasn't there that day! Haha, and so I had to wait three more years to come back to Thailand again and try another time. I took my parents and Jetaime. It took us an hour and a half to get there, but we made it! Things looked a little different after seven years, but the stall was still there and I was able to show them one of my favourite places on earth. Afterwards we had an hourlong massage for only six dollars! Such a wonderful place. I'm thankful to God for these moments where you can go back to the places where God blessed you so much in the past and share your joy with others ;)

- David Hepting

Celebrating with Students

A few weeks ago we had a wedding celebration with Jetaime’s students. Jetaime and her friends had been planning this for months and it really showed. The whole event was so fun and the biggest thing was that we really wanted each student to have an encounter with God.  In the morning I got to lead worship with an awesome team from her church. Everybody was laughing and into it.
Then later in the day after lunch, we had a time where students could receive prayer, prophecy, prophetic drawings and just talk to any of the caring people from her church. I got to pray for some boys and I’m pretty sure one of the boy’s legs grew out although not the whole way. But overall it was just fun talking with them and praying for them.
Later, after Jetaime shared with all the students, her friends prayed for the students and I got to sing worship songs in the background. It was so powerful for me to watch these kids, some of them for the very first time, experiencing God’s presence and realizing that He loves them. I could feel God in a really powerful way in the room and knew that he was honoured by all these hearts hungry for him gathering in one place.
I’m so proud of Jetaime. I saw that God has made her a beautiful and mighty evangelist, and God reminded me that he made me with gifts too that I can use for his kingdom. It was a really powerful day and I was so glad to meet so many of her students and share this day with them.
- David Hepting

Friday, January 22, 2016



夕阳西下,天气转凉了,我们走到河道边准备搭乘水上德士去会友人。我问贺先生该往哪个方向走,他说东边,然后指着夕阳说:"太阳在那里,我们往那里去吧!" 我不疑有他,傻傻地上了小船,两站后船夫赶我们下船,拿出谷歌地图一查,才发现偏离了目的地——往反方向走了。两人仔细回想之前的对话,最后只能大笑自己闹笑话了!

除了火车外,第二次到访泰国的我尝试了捷运、德士、巴士、tuk tuk、水上德士等五种不同的公共交通工具。个人最喜欢的巴士,除了票价便宜,还能欣赏沿路风景,贴近当地居民的生活。水上德士的价格更低,两站只需泰铢八元,不过船只随着浪潮快速前进,像我这样容易晕眩的人就吃苦了。可是胜在能够避开繁忙的街道,非常省时(而且不像tuk tuk常面临被砍菜头的风险),有机会到曼谷记得来体验!


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Birthday with My Parents

Thanks so much to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! It's so fun being on the other side of the world because my birthday lasts like a day and a half :)

We met up with my parents in Bangkok tonight, they have had such an adventure in Thailand so far. You should check out their posts! Jetaime and I have been talking a bit about a philosophy I picked up from my brother when I was younger "If it makes a good story it's usually worth it". So anytime we have a terrible experience, but it makes a great story we can just laugh and realize that's the price of a funny tale.

My parents took us to an exquisite, but still fairly well priced to Canadian standards, restaurant. It was just simply good to be together again, to catch-up, and to share the experiences of encountering a new culture all over again. The meal was delicious, and the company even better. I'm so thankful for my parents and so proud of how adventurous they have become now that they are retired. I can't wait to hear what else they encounter this trip!

- David Hepting


待在吉隆坡一天一夜是为了处理缅甸签证,昨天下午在尊孔聊得不亦乐乎,最后几乎是用跑的冲到Masjid Jamek 那里去领签证,抵达时间刚好五点三十分,众人看见我上气不接下气,都忍俊不禁,快手快脚把护照交给我,好让我安心。哈哈!




Wednesday, January 20, 2016



我捉紧时间,快步由茨厂街往尊孔的方向前进,前面迎来熟悉的背影……是去年高二盈的吴赵颖同学!哈哈,我们并肩同行,听听他报告最近的情况,还有对他的碎碎念一笑置之~走到 Togo 看见张朝凯同学和正在疗伤的胡俊铭同学,哈拉几句后就赶紧拍个照(这么幸运巧遇,当然要纪念一下!)




Monday, January 18, 2016

Soaking in Singapore

This is us after we braved a wet journey through the rapids of Jurassic Park!

We barely made it out with our lives. It was quite the day. In the morning we helped transport the Allspark away from the decepticons. We trapped Imhotep and broke his curse, then learned about jobs from the Sesame Street gang. Later in the day I helped a squadron of 16 fresh recruits fight the Cylons somehow by riding a roller coaster. Haha, I'm always glad to do my part to save the world!

But seriously, we were so blessed by Jetaime's cousin Sning Wong and her husband Lim Ming Fei. As a really fun and generous wedding gift they took us out to Universal Studios and then to a succulent buffet afterwards. It was way better than I expected and brought back a lot of memories of some of my favourite movies. Ming Fei also works for a glasses company and he was able to do an incredible job fixing my glasses with nothing but a paperclip! Next we have two days in Malaysia and then on to Thailand!!

- David Hepting


frown emoticon








Sunday, January 17, 2016

Our Stay Was In "Tents”!

Jetaime and I had a much more successful go at camping the second time! Well, almost...

As you can see our camping set up felt slightly inferior to these massive nylon mansions all around us. Some people brought bike racks and clothes lines and barbecues all for a few days of camping. But I still felt good that my tent weighs only 1 pound and only uses 1 pole which is also my hiking stick.

We didn't experience any mosquitoes or ants! That was an awesome improvement, but right after saying that I did notice a rat crawling around the campsites looking for food. As we were sleeping with an open tent to feel the breeze it was a bit disconcerting.

Then the morning came. Our verse for the morning turned out to be the verse from James "Count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds... " Haha, we needed to be at new creation church by 8:30am and better if its earlier. We got up at 6:30am and realized we stink and needed a quick shower. We grab one and pack up quick, but we realize it wasn't quick enough and we are running late. We wait for a bus only to realize no bus will come until 10am.

The nearest train station is 2km away and so I run the whole way there pulling Jetaime on my skateboard. I was sweating buckets at this point and when I get there my glasses break in two!! We are super rushed and so I just laugh and we keep going on. Halfway to the church Jetaime gets a really serious look in my eyes and pulls me off the train. She had forgot her wedding and engagement rings in the bathroom! So we cancel our plans and go all the way back to the park.

She found her sterling silver engagement ring, and this wooden cross/heart necklace I had got for her before ever meeting her when I was in Montreal. But the two rings, including her wedding ring, which looked like they were made of gold were gone. Unfortunately for the thief they were both simple metal rings coloured like gold and rose gold. I had just been reading Jesus words "If someone takes your tunic, give him your cloak as well". So I was almost inclined to find the thief and give them our other rings too! But it was really sad that though we can replace the rings they won't be the ones we pledged our love with.

After all that we were completely exhausted: physically and emotionally. But I also felt joy. I realized that the important thing isn't the symbol of our love, it is our love itself. And there is no thief on earth that can take that from us if we don't let them. We have put our treasure where moth and rust cannot destroy.

- David Hepting

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Polar Bears And The Desire Of Your Heart

Have you ever had a desire in your heart and didn't even prayer for it, but God answered the desire anyways?

A few days ago we were going over the best things to do in Singapore. Most of them were super expensive but didn't stand out as something we really felt we needed to do. However, when I saw the zoo and the description of it, it sounded awesome! But when I saw it cost $32 I thought "Ah, that's too bad that would have been really fun to do if we could afford it."

Fast forward to that evening and we were hanging out at the Kingdom Invasion conference with Jetaime's great friend Dorcas and her sister and boyfriend. Dorcas' sister asks us "Hey, would you guys like to go to the zoo? My workplace provides me with tickets that I can take a few people there." I was blown away and so excited! Not just to see the zoo, but that God had heard exactly my conversation that morning and was was delighting to give me the desires of my heart. he's so good! So is Dorcas' sister! Haha 
wink emoticon
So today we went and had a really wonderful time. They are such a fun group to hang out with. I saw quite a few animals I had never seen before and we just enjoyed being together. They also took us out to dinner afterwards. I'm so blessed by them and by God for his great kindness. Tomorrow we go to Joseph Princes church and pretty soon we head to Bangkok on my birthday. We keep inviting people to Canada and hopefully we can be hospitable and learn from all the great hospitality we have received so far.

- David Hepting


周末去哪儿?我们超级无敌有福气因着 Hui Bing 的工作福利得以免费到新加坡动物园玩上一天,看了很多新奇的动物,大大赞叹造物主的创意。黄昏时分,我们到芽笼一带吃田鸡粥,再续摊叹点心,大饱口福。





Friday, January 15, 2016

Making Friends in The HDB

Today was really fun! Jetaime and I had some big disagreements, but through that we got to know each other a little bit better and hopefully in the future we can understand each other more. The main thing that stood out though was the opportunity to make a few people's days just a little bit brighter.

I had wanted to finally use my guitar a bit more and sing worship songs on the grass with Jetaime. On the way to a cafe we found a nice spot and so I pulled my guitar out and we asked an older Chinese man if it was okay if we played a few songs and he smiled and said and nodded that it would be fine. So we sang together and it was really fun. It soon started pouring rain so we got some shelter in this area that was still pretty wide open.

This time there was another older Chinese man and he smiled too and said it would be ok if we played. As the rain tickled the streets we sang of the goodness of God. Later we started talking to the man and found out his name was Ahket (or something similar to that). He was really kind and exuded a gentle peace. He had gone for a walk and decided to simply sit down for awhile. We were the fourth person or group of people to spend some time talking to him. He told us about his four kids who were all still in Singapore and how proud he was of them. After talking for a bit we blessed him, thanked him for his time and asked if we could grab a quick picture and he said "yes".

A couple minutes later we are heading to the cafe and we see a beautiful lady named Grace who had quite a few disabilities, but she didn't let anything get her down. We were able to help her up the steps, show her where the bus stop is and wait awhile with her and talk. She was such an overcomer and had such a positive spirit, it was really encouraging. It's good getting to know people from different walks in life, and also society has become so fiercely independent that it is almost rare to be able to help someone In a tangible way like being a shoulder someone can rely on.

Within moments of saying goodbye to Grace we meet an older blind lady named Ismah trying to cross the street. It was such an honour to be able to be her eyes for a few moments as we crossed with her. She thanked us and headed off to her apartment.

One of our goals on this honeymoon has been to live on $10 a day combined total for both of us for food each day and as little as possible on transportation and lodging. We could never do it on our own and just as we were able to help and encourage a few people today, there have been so many people who have helped and encouraged us. I love interdependence and how it builds community and friendship.

Anyways, that is one of the best parts of this trip so far. Can't wait for what comes next!

- David Hepting

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kingdom Invasion Singapore

Jetaime and I have been going to the free night sessions at Kingdom Invasion Singapore this week. Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, Randy Clark, Mahesh Chavda, and Lou Engle are the speakers. The presence of God has been so sweet and gentle in this place.

Tonight, a couple hundred people were healed, many of very serious illnesses and health issues. One lady had had tuberculosis and/or at least its repercussions since she was nine years old. She couldn't walk normal speed or any physical exertion since then, but tonight she was powerfully healed and was running across the stage celebrating the grace of God!!!

If any of you reading this want prayer for healing, Jetaime and I would love to take some time this week and next to pray for you. God loves you and even if you aren't healed that will never change. But he loves to heal too and we want to just bring those needs to him in prayer. You can send us a Facebook message or just reply in the comments. Love you guys!

- David Hepting

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The pros & cons of camping

Oh man, what a night! Haha, I've often told Jetaime how great and wonderful camping is, but last night was our very first time camping together. It wasn't quite as wonderful as I had hoped for an introduction to camping. We stayed at the beautiful Pulau Ubin island off the coast of Singapore.

We are both pretty minimalist when it comes to gear but we still ended up carrying a ton of weight. All the way through customs, on buses, bum boats, and the light rail and for about a kilometre on the island. We left at ten am and arrived at 3pm and we were both extremely hot and exhausted.

To save a lot of weight I brought my tarp tent which only weighs 17 ounces or about 1 pound! But it sacrifices having a floor, poles, ventilation etc. to achieve that. So we ended up with a wobbly greenhouse/sauna that had an open door for all ants who bite and their mosquitoe cousins. It was hilariously difficult to sleep. We would awake to being bitten all over and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Finally, at about 3am we abandoned the tent and I slept in a bivy sack in the Center of the grass and Jetaime slept in her hammock with a built in bug net. It was very hot, but there were almost no bugs! I should also add there were 70 high school students camping close by, who talked loudly until 3am and managed to wake up early and talk loudly again!

So that was difficult, but everything else was awesome. We got to watch the sun rise and set over the water, we explored part of the island by skateboard, I taught Jetaime how to cook with a minimalist alcohol fuel stove, and we ate some wonderful Thai noodles, mee goreng, and I made a nice pot of coffee for breakfast. Can't wait for next time!

- David Hepting






Monday, January 11, 2016

The Good Old Days

"Wish I could turn back time, to the good old days"

We just finished up our last wedding celebration in Jetaime's hometown of Pekan Nenas in Johor, Malaysia. It was a huge blast. Her family is so welcoming, kind, generous, hospitable, helpful, and even hilarious. We turned the front yard and even the street in front of her house into a huge buffet eating area and over 200 people came to celebrate with us!

I learned, and likely forgot, so many names and faces. It was so humbling to see how many people Jetaime has touched through the influence of her life. She has loved well and is well loved. I got to meet so many of the student reporters she was involved with. It was a simple extra curricular group but the bonds went deep and I was so surprised and encouraged by their joy and friendship they found in each other.

I got to try out my mandarin in introducing myself to many of her relatives and they were all so supportive and cheered on my efforts. It's been hard, but so worthwhile to put in the effort to learn Chinese. When I see all the amazing people that I can communicate with even better when I know Chinese well it motivates me all the more.

The phrase I started this post with is a quote from a song that was on the car radio during our wedding day. It made me think. I'm actually living in my "good old days" right now. The moments that we will reminisce about when we are much older and the smile lines have worn into our satisfied faces. It's still so easy to take them for granted or let them pass by. Or even worse, to neglect the opportunity to love in the moment that I'm in.

I've been realizing that it is the small things repeated that become the big parts of our life. The simple, small acts of love actually carry great weight. During our Pekan Nenas wedding I saw Jetaime being so attentive to the needs of all her friends even though she was pretty tired. She made sure everyone had someone to talk to, that everyone who wanted a photo with us got one, and that almost everyone received a really heartfelt thank you for coming. Then later in the night, after everything was over, and she was even more exhausted, she spent the time to ask me how I was doing, to encourage me and I her, and to make me laugh, and then just to hug for awhile before falling contentedly to sleep. I've learned so much about what love looks like from her.

These beautiful moments and days will be relived in my mind often in the years to come, but I think the most exciting thing is realizing that the fun is just starting. I know our life together is going to be really difficult, but I'm just as sure it will also be filled with moments of joy unspeakable and full of glory. No matter what comes our way I think we can handle it together and with Gods help. This life is so sweet, I can't wait for tomorrow!

- David Hepting


Finally, all done with 4 weddings!

昨夜落幕的自助晚餐在寒舍进行,好多亲戚扶老携幼出席;还有阿嬷爸爸妈妈的朋友,我不认识的uncle auntie们都很热情地到场祝贺;最最重要的,我的中小学同学和老师,加上柔佛学记队的成员,大家远道而来共聚一堂,场面好不热闹!

太多太多的感谢无法在这里用三言两语说尽,不管是协助筹备的,还是诚心前来祝贺的。我喜欢昨夜表姐说的一句话:“今晚不像婚礼,像叙旧的聚会!” 足足五个小时的满场飞,不怕招呼不周,只怕排除万难来相会,却连几句话也说不上。庆幸贺先生也很配合地坐在一堆又一堆的陌生人群里和大家说说话给大家认识认识。



Wednesday, January 6, 2016

True Happiness Is Shared

"True happiness is shared" -Leo Tolstoy

After a restful morning, we set out on a hike of the foggy forest. Troji, our hostel host, took us about 20 minutes drive of wild, bumpy, curvy roads as we sat in the bed of his truck. I don't think it's possible to truly experience a country without, at one point, riding through its corners and curves in the back of a truck.

We hiked for about 2 and a half hours before we made it back. It was over muddy paths, twisted roots and sunken rocks. When Steven asked how far do you think we went? I expected 3 kilometres, but it turned out we had only gone 0.8 miles! We met Zack and Sarah an awesome couple from Ontario and they joined us too. It took us about 20 minutes afterwards to get all the mud off, but I think Tolstoy was right that true happiness is found in these shared experiences together. In leaving your comfort zone and finding something difficult and wonderful that awaits.

- David Hepting






Tuesday, January 5, 2016





话说回来,下午要找德士载我们去民宿时,我才说了两句话,一位马来司机就说 "you cikgu ke?" 我以为我听错,“蛤?”了一声,他自信满满地笑说看我的样子和说话的方式就知道我是当老师的~好厉害!

